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Here's a trick we spotted at the Charles last fall: keeping your stern flags handy--and ready for reloading-time--by hangin
NEW BEDFORD — Young adults may not know about pagers, Palm Pilots, VHS tapes, disposable cameras or floppy disks, but they certainly know about vinyl records — which are making a striking comeback.
"Since I opened, I've been increasingly selling more records year after year," said
Jack Wallen dons his mysterious prognostication cap and predicts how the upcoming year will unfold for Android.
It's almost the end of yet another year. I went to bed on December 31st, 2020 and it seems I woke up and it was already the end of the year.
Let's not dis
The JWST's secondary mirror (left) is now in position. The primary mirror, right, is not fully unfurled, but could operate at reduced capacity in its current form if anything went wrong. Image Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab
Now it is escaping the baking
I ’ll get right to it. The Plex Solo is a brand new trekking pole tent released by the storied DCFmongers at Zpacks. The name gives little away besides a suggestion that it is intended for solo hikers. And that’s all I knew about it before I pulled it from the box. A bitter win
The Forty and Eight Veteran’s Honor Society Voiture 1237 has completed the Flags for First Graders program for the elementary schools in Alamance County for this school year. The first school, Clover Garden, was done on Sept. 22 and the last, Elon Elementary, on Dec. 15.
Since we were
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Press release from the issuing company
L to R: Karl Price, Print Room supervisor; Riky Butcher; Mark Allibone, Print Room Manager; Emmeline Petersen; Tony Corben; Neil Lockton, Production Manager; Sue Strydom; Rod Sessions, Sales & Marketi
Phone: 563-547-3601 Fax: 563-547-4602
Address: Cresco TPD 214 N. Elm Street Cresco, IA 52136
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