How to make a personalized Twitter banner using League of Legends Star Guardian Social kit

2022-07-24 15:37:23 By : Ms. Sandy Guo

League of Legends has been investing a lot into marketing the ongoing Star Guardian event amongst fans. It is the biggest event in the game this year, and the developers are providing many interactive options to players both inside and outside the game.

Riot Games is now allowing players to make their very own personalized Twitter profile banners using a brand new Star Guardian Social Kit. A detailed guide has been provided in this article that players can follow to create a special banner for their Twitter profiles.

This kit is also quite expansive as it contains a lot of options like choosing a specific Star Guardian champion, an elegant background, and some inspiring quotes. Once the selections have been made, the banner can be created in a simple four-step process. It is completely free, and anyone can create the banner with just a few mouse clicks.

The League of Legends Star Guardian Social Kit is a brand new interactive tool for fans, using which they can create their very own personalized Twitter banner with a Star Guardian theme. It is simply another option for fans to showcase their favorite characters within the Star Guardian universe.

League of Legends fans across the world have been invested in the Star Guardian event as it is one of the best alternate universes within the game. The skins, themes, and aesthetic of the characters in this universe are quite appealing to the playerbase. So fans usually get extremely excited whenever a new Star Guardian event is released. Allowing fans to celebrate the event in their own way definitely creates a more inclusive environment. In any case, this article will show players how to create a personalized Twitter banner using the Social Kit.

Step 1: Visit the League of Legends Star Guardian Social Kit official website ( and click the "Get Started" button.

Step 2: Click on the Star Guardian champion that you want to see on your banner.

Step 3: Choose your banner (You can decide to keep the champion's name, pick a quote, or opt to have no text at all).

Step 4: Select a custom border for the banner.

Step 5: Select a background and click "Next."

Upon finishing Step 5, the Star Guardian Twitter banner will be ready. Players can download it by clicking on the "Download Banner" button located on the final page. Players can also download a Twitter profile picture (of the same champion on the banner) by clicking on "Download Profile."

Lastly, the final page also provides an option to download a Star Guardian wallpaper for the desktop. Overall, it seems like Riot Games wants their fans to go all out on the Star Guardian celebrations and be involved in every possible way.

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